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Have a look at what Thailand's and world's top executives and leaders talk about creating a better world.

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About BWi
Better World Index or BWi is the global initiative framework created to help each entity realize their stages of betterment and combinatorial impact toward economic growth, well-being and environmental enhancement (triple bottom line). It aims to close the gap between profit, people and planet in mindset and in action, and to couple good-profit and good-deed into one. Consisting of layers of indexes known and accepted globally, BWi is fully-customized for each entity, ranging from citizen, corporate, government to city, country and ultimately to the world, to help one positions itself and defines its next growth, while contributing to create net positive impact.
BWi aims to close the gap
between profit, people the planet
in mindset and in action

BWi is a fully customised for each entity to define one’s position and next growth

Define your values, position and next growth that is relative to macro ecosystem

Not ranking nor competing but define better version of yourself
BWi aims to create better world and betterment of each entity in the ecosystem with a belief of synergetic contribution and collaboration.

Complementary to other indexes such as SDGs

Cross-entity alignment and contribution

Co-contribute to create net positive impact with other stakeholders in the ecosystem

BWi couples good-deeds and good-profit into one

Combine/integrate Annual Report and Sustainability Report into One.

Why is BWi promising?
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